How Much Does A Trampoline Cost?

by Jerry Rickel | Last Updated:  June 17, 2020
Trampoline price

Families that are interested in purchasing a trampoline, first wonder how much one actually costs. It may surprise you to know that there are many different models and brands and they can range in prices.

Of course, there are some brands that are very affordable while other models can tend to be quite expensive.

The first thing you should think about when you are looking to purchase one is that old saying, “You get what you pay for”, and that stands true when it comes to purchasing a trampoline.

If you purchase a cheap model, then it will not last and may not come with all the safety features that you want for you and your family.

The major question is how much is one, and how much for one of a high quality?

Different Types To Determine Costs Of A Trampoline

There are many different types, brands, and types that are currently on the market today.

The Round Model

The Rectangle Model

The Octagon Model

Size Of Trampolines

Trampoline size

The sizes of trampolines will also determine the price of these products.

The average size of them is approximately ten feet and that is for a round style.

The round model that is ten feet can start at approximately $250, and as they can go up in size by two feet, then the buyer can expect to pay approximately $100 for the extra two feet, and so on.

Also, the rectangle and octagon models size can go up in price to $150 and more for two extra feet.

Final Words

So, How Much Does A Trampoline Cost?

As it is easy to see the prices for these products can range as the price is determined by the shape of the trampoline, the size, and safety features and accessories that come with the product.

When you are searching for a high-quality one for your family you will need to ask yourself, “What do I expect from this trampoline” and what it can provide for your family.

Once you answer these questions, then it can determine how much a safe and high-quality brand and model will cost for your family.​

Jerry Rickel is the proud founder and owner of this website. He's in the process of building out this website into an awesome resource for everything related to trampolines, including how-to articles, buying guides, and a lot of useful tips.